A Care Provider May Enhance Memory With The Right Cleaning Products

Your loved one's memory may not be what it once was, but that does not mean you should neglect it or stop attempting to mend his or her mental abilities. Yet, you may be hurting his or her memory by not guarding which cleaning products are used in the home. A good home caretaker is aware of some of the dangers in common household cleaners. They will help your loved one eliminate harmful products and replace them with memory-friendly options. Read More 

Is Carpal Tunnel Pain Keeping You From Working? Try These Simple Exercises To Relieve The Pain

If you make your living with your hands, you can't afford to be sidelined with carpal tunnel syndrome. As soon as you start experiencing pain, weakness or tingling in your wrists, you need to seek medical care. In addition to the treatment you receive from your physician, there are some simple things you can do at home. These home exercises will help alleviate the pain and weakness in your wrists so you can get back to work. Read More 

Finger Joint Replacement for Rheumatoid Arthritis

The arthritis in your hands makes it painful to bend your fingers. Your grasp is weak making it difficult to hold onto anything. Your doctor has recommended a finger joint replacement to relieve your pain and give you back some flexibility in your hand. Here is what makes up this procedure and what to expect when recovering from it. Arthritis Destroys the Finger Joints At the ends of the bones in your finger joints are small cartilage pads that cushion the bones as they move against each other. Read More 

Getting Older? 4 Tips To Achieve Those Desired Younger-Looking Eyes

Although many don't realize it, there are actually a lot of perks to getting older. You get to retire, go on the road, find stability and even have grandkids. However, most people don't actually want to look their older age. The skin around the eyes is one of the first places that your age really begins to show, but a few good habits can help keep you looking young and fresh. Read More 

Two Honey Infused Recipes To Soothe Your Feet

If your feet have become severely cracked and are not as smooth as they once were, you might want to try using honey to help heal your feet. Honey helps to keep your feet moisturized by sealing in humidity and it also has antibacterial properties. These antibacterial properties help to remove bacteria and heal minor wounds on the feet. If you would like to add honey to your foot care regimen, here are two honey infused recipes that you can try. Read More