A Care Provider May Enhance Memory With The Right Cleaning Products

Your loved one's memory may not be what it once was, but that does not mean you should neglect it or stop attempting to mend his or her mental abilities. Yet, you may be hurting his or her memory by not guarding which cleaning products are used in the home. A good home caretaker is aware of some of the dangers in common household cleaners. They will help your loved one eliminate harmful products and replace them with memory-friendly options. 

Dangers In Cleaning Products

Several studies have shown that the majority of common household cleaners contains different chemicals that could advance the deterioration of certain mental capabilities, like acuity or memory. One of the most common chemicals is usually referred to as monoethanolamine, which most experts refer to as a neurotoxin. This ingredient has the ability to stay active long after usage, is hard to expel from your body, and can penetrate your body by breathing it in or through your pores. 

The ingredient is not harmful in small dosages, but it is common in several cleaning products, and your loved one may have his or her home cleaned often enough to make this ingredient accumulate to harmful levels. 

You can find this ingredient in the following:

  • Degreasers
  • Oven cleaners
  • Floor cleaners
  • Stainless steel cleaners
  • Detergents

Your home caretaker should know the dangers of such products, may uncover other undesirable ingredients, and will help you keep your loved one free of these hazardous products.

Memory-Friendly Options

Your loved one's caretaker will help you choose other memory-friendly and natural options to keep your loved one's home clean, like the following:

Simple Ingredients

Your loved one's personal care specialist may opt to use simple cleaning products, like baking soda, bentonite clay, or fermented citrus cleaners that do not contain harmful ingredients and still get the job done. For example, bentonite clay has been found to inhibit the growth of bacteria by severely dehydrating them. 

Memory Boosting

The personal care specialist may suggest a natural memory-boosting product to help keep your loved one's mind as active as possible, and all your loved one has to do is smell it. That product is rosemary oil, which the personal care specialist can simply add to his or her alternative cleaning solution. Studies have shown that the strong olfactory triggers, like cineole or borneol, in rosemary oil may trigger an improvement in long-term memory and everyday tasks. 

Talk to the personal care specialist that you are considering for other ideas that she or he may have to help your loved one; but, as you can see, caring for that special person in your life requires more detailed attention that a specialist can provide. Contact a service like Argus Home Health Care for more information.
