Reasons To Have Your Prostate Checked After You Turn 50

Turning 50 years of age is a big accomplishment, and it might be one that you celebrate with a party or trip. This milestone also serves as a reminder that it's time to schedule a prostate exam with your doctor. Fifty is a good age to have regular checkups for prostate abnormalities, although the American Cancer Society recommends having this procedure done even sooner if if you have a history of prostate cancer in your family. Read More 

Do You Have A Sinus Infection? Seven Common Symptoms

Sinus infections are one of the most common and unpleasant illnesses that afflict people every year. According to U.S. News and World Report, approximately 37 million people battle these infections each year, with many suffering from repeated bouts. While medical care is not always required to alleviate the illness, (your immune system will often defeat minor sinus infections on its own within a week or so), prompt care is important for curing serious or repeated infections. Read More 

Four Options For Long Term Birth Control

If you do not plan on having children any time soon, long term birth control is a smart option for contraception. Once the birth control is in place, you are protected against unplanned pregnancy. The following methods are all reliable, reversible alternatives for long term birth control. 1. Non-Hormonal IUD An intrauterine device (IUD) is a t-shaped device that fits inside of the uterus. IUDs are available with and without hormones. Read More 

3 Factors Increasing The Survivability Of TBI

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) has garnered more attention within the last two decades, most notably due war-related injuries and domestic acts of mass violence. What makes recent, high-profile incidents of TBI more noticeable is that better techniques in neurosurgery and neurocritical care are improving survival rates for those affected by a severe TBI. Improved Understanding Of TBI TBI can be grouped according to the type of injury, blunt-force, or penetrating head trauma. Read More 

Recovering From Your Cubital Tunnel Surgery: Tips For You

When you are suffering from cubital tunnel syndrome and need surgery, you may find yourself wondering what you can expect not just from the surgery itself but also from the recovery process after the surgery. Once your orthopaedic surgeon has successfully relieved the pressure on the nerve running down you elbow and to your hand, there are many different steps to the recovery process. Get to know more about what you can expect during recovery and what to watch out for so that you can heal quickly and overcome your cubital tunnel syndrome as soon as possible. Read More