4 Little Known Facts About Miscarriage

If you have experienced a miscarriage or you are worried about miscarriage as a pregnant woman, you should know about these four little-known facts about it. These four facts can help you to better understand miscarriage and can help put your fears about it more at ease: Miscarriage is More Common Than you Think Miscarriage happens to about 25% of all pregnant women. The reason that you probably think it is uncommon is because not many women inform friends and family about miscarriage since it usually happens before they are even ready to announce that they are pregnant. Read More 

Rhinoplasty: Exploring The Benefits And Risks

Rhinoplasty surgery, better known as a nose job, is a very popular type of cosmetic surgery through which patients aim to alter the shape or size of their nose. Like all surgical procedures, there are both benefits and risks that are associated with rhinoplasty. In order to ensure you are making the right decision for you, it is important that you take the time to carefully consider both the benefits and risks that come along with choosing to go under the knife. Read More 

Transform Your Eyes With Wild Contact Lenses

If you've grown tired of regular contact lenses, then you might be interested in new, exciting options. Some of them are wild looking; some of them are really beautiful. They are different than regular contact lenses in that they alter the color of your eye It might be something as simple as altering the color of your iris. Or it could be something dramatic, such as a design that doesn't naturally occur in human eyes. Read More 

Understanding Spinal Stenosis

If you have been diagnosed with spinal stenosis, you may be concerned about how it will affect your future. Understanding your condition is important. Knowing what symptoms to watch for will help you take a proactive approach to your health. What is spinal stenosis? Spinal stenosis occurs as the result of the open spaces in your spinal column becoming narrow. In some cases, this narrowing causes pressure on the nerves that travel through the spinal cord as well as the spinal cord itself. Read More 

Treating Common Injuries In Children

If you have a small child, there are bound to be injuries that happen every once in a while. Knowing how to take care of the most common ones is important so the injuries will heal properly. There are some instances when you will need to bring your child to a doctor if you are not able to take care of the injury on your own. Here are some of the more common injuries that occur when a child is small and some instructions on how to treat them. Read More