TV And Hearing Aids: A Few Tips

For those new to the world of hearing aids, watching TV can be frustrating. It can be hard to pick up and separate the sounds from the TV program, or you may feel like you are getting feedback in the hearing aids. Those with partial hearing loss sometimes give up and simply crank the volume on the television, but this isn't always a solution. Fortunately, there are solutions to these challenges. The following tips can help.

Tip #1: Allow an adjustment period

Some of the issues simply require time to overcome. Programs with lots of people talking at once, or where music or other noises are in the background, can be the hardest to understand with hearing aids. Handle this issue as you would adapting to noisy real life situations. Begin with the hearing aid set at the lowest setting, then slowly turn up the volume as you watch the program, until the sounds are at a comfortable level and you can understand the TV. It's best to do this in a room with no other sounds outside of the TV. With practice, you will begin to be able to separate out the different sounds on the TV so you can focus on the dialogue only.

Tip #2: Get an assistive device

Hearing aid headphones have been on the market for a while, and for good reason. The headphones connect wirelessly to your TV or to an assistive box connected to the TV. You simply place them on your head and adjust the volume to a comfortable level. The headphone design blocks out background noises from your home. This is often an excellent choice if you view TV with someone else. This way you can set your headphones to the most comfortable volume level for you, without forcing your companions to listen to the TV at a high volume.

Tip #3: Invest in loop devices

A looped hearing aid is an upgrade on the devices of old. These hearing aids are equipped with technology that allows them to pick up Bluetooth signals from your TV or its Bluetooth box. Basically, this allows your hearing aids to take the place of the headphones above since you can stream the sound directly from the TV and into your hearing aids. Often, you can control the volume and connectivity from a smartphone or other handheld remote. Another benefit is that many public venues, including concert halls and theaters, now use loop technology so hearing challenged attendees can better enjoy the show.

For more help, talk to an audiologist, like one from Children  &  Family Hearing Associates, in your area.
