A Few Tips For Foot Care When You Have Diabetes
One of the problems diabetics face involves their feet. High blood sugar can cause nerve damage that reduces or prevents the ability to feel sensations in the feet. Without being able to feel properly, you may not notice a cut or sore on the foot. Diabetics are also prone to infections and require a longer time to heal. This means that any small but or sore may end up badly infected to the point of it turning gangrenous. To ensure your feet are properly cared for, it is important that you see a foot doctor at least once a year, and more often if you are having problems. In addition, here are a few tips to prevent damage to your feet:
Wear Shoes
To prevent cuts and sores, it is important that you do not go barefoot. While indoors you should wear slippers with at least a rubber soul. When outside, your shoes should have a hard soul and if possible some type of extra protection for your toes. You do not want to have something fall on your toe or stub it in a manner that damages the toenail as this can cause trauma under the nail you may not notice until it is infected. In addition, be sure to wear socks with your shoes to prevent them from rubbing the skin and causing a blister.
Moisturize Your Feet
Keeping your feet moist prevents them from becoming so dry they crack. Any cracks allow dirt and bacteria to enter which can create serious infections. Clean and inspect your feet and then dry them completely before applying the lotion. Make sure to dry well between the toes but do not apply the lotion there as it will remain moist and could make the skin tear. It is a good idea to apply the moisturizer in the morning and then again before bed.
Take Care of the Nails
It is important that you keep your toenails short and rounded. You do not want to scratch the other foot with a long or jagged nail while sleeping. It is also important that you avoid hangnails or ingrown nails as they may become infected. At the first sign of one of these problems, make an appointment with the foot doctor. This is the best and safest way to handle them without causing further damage.
When you are initially diagnosed with diabetes, you should ask your primary care physician for a referral to a foot doctor. The podiatrist should see you before you begin to have any problems to get information about how your feet are normally. This will help everyone involved to notice a problem more readily. The sooner a problem is found and taken care of the better it will heal.
Check out a website like http://www.westmorelandfootdoctor.com for more information and assistance.