Making Your Home “Recovery Ready” For Your Total Knee Replacement Surgery

The arthritis in your knee has become so severe that the pain keeps you from being active. Your orthopedic surgeon has you scheduled for a total knee joint replacement in a few weeks. You're looking forward to being able to walk without pain again, but you must have a successful recovery from the surgery first. Recovering from home will be easier if you prepare the house for your arrival from the hospital. Read More 

Three Ways To Make Your Own Durable And/Or Non-Slip Walking Canes

Walking canes are handy to have when you take a hike, but they are also necessary as you age. Regardless of your age or infirmities, there are numerous walking canes and different ways to make them and make them slip-proof. Here are just three of the ways you can make your own durable canes and/or make them slip-proof. Making Your Own Walking Cane If you are the crafty sort, you can take the young limbs of a willow tree or a sapling's trunk and turn it into a cane. Read More 

A Potential Way Adult Males With Urinary Incontinence Can Stop Urine Leaks

Urine leaks are one type of obstacle that people with incontinence face. Adult males who are incontinent could benefit from discussing the implantation of an artificial sphincter with a urologist. The following information is designed to give you an overview of the device, alternatives, and what you could expect if you are a good fit for this surgical procedure. Understanding How an Artificial Sphincter Works Artificial sphincters are made from plastic, and they are placed in the pelvic area of the body. Read More 

3 Great Services Provided By Many Pediatric Clinics

Pediatricians do a wonderful job of ensuring that your children are growing and developing as they should, and they are always there when your child is sick and in need of medical attention. While checkups and normal appointments are quite common, there are other great services that many pediatric clinics provide for your children as well. This article will discuss 3 great services provided by many pediatric clinics.  24 Hour Nurse Hotline Read More 

Want Dental Implants To Replace Your Missing Teeth? Use These Tips To Make Yourself A Suitable Candidate

Dental implants might seem attractive to you if you are missing a few teeth in your mouth. Implants can be a wonderful substitute for real teeth, as they are implanted directly into your jawbone and look real. However, if you are like many people, you may not realize that you must get the permission of your dentist for such a procedure. Not everyone is an attractive candidate for implants. Therefore, if you want to convince your dentist that you're a suitable candidate for dental implants, use the following tips. Read More