3 Ways To Prevent Varicose Veins
The small valves inside varicose veins aren't working anymore, so the blood starts pooling in them, and the veins start to bulge out. They are most common in the legs, where it is very important to have those valves so that the blood can get pumped up past gravity. Varicose veins can be painful and unsightly. So how can you avoid getting them?
Limit High Heel Use
One thing that you can do is to limit how long you wear extremely high heels. The heels can put pressure on your legs, which could cause problems with varicose veins. That doesn't mean that you have to get rid of all your heels or never wear them again. Lower heels can actually help exercise your calves, which is a good thing.
Get More Exercise
Any exercise is good, but doing things like walking can really help keep your circulation moving well and help fight varicose veins. If you are just starting to exercise or if you have problems with your knees or back, you might want to look into using a pool. There are classes you can take that will let you do water aerobics and such. There are also pools that you can use that will let you walk laps in the pool instead of swimming. The water keeps the weight off sore and achy joints while adding in more resistance and helping to get your circulation moving.
Move Around
Another thing you can to do help prevent varicose veins is to switch positions and move around. Don't stand for a long time and don't sit for a long time. If you have a job where you have to sit at a desk for long hours, take a break every so often just to stand up and move around for a couple of minutes. It will get the blood moving, which will keep the veins from bulging. Even if you can't get up and walk around the office for a few minutes, just getting up and stretching will really help. Any movement or change in position is good.
Varicose veins don't have to be an inevitable outcome. You can do things so that you can prevent them. If you do end up with varicose veins, doing these things can also help to prevent them from getting worse and help you manage any discomfort that you may feel from them. For more information, contact a varicose vein doctor.