Is It Possible To Have Fall Allergies? Unfortunately, It Actually Is!

While you may associate pollen allergies with the spring season when all of the flowering trees and plants are in great abundance, many people have horrible allergies in the fall as well. Typically, fall allergic reactions are caused by a yard weed known as ragweed.

Ragweed is a flowering plant belonging to the aster plant family. It has pointed green leaves and sends up tall stalks with small purple and white flowers.

Unfortunately for allergy sufferers, ragweed plants grow prolifically all over the United States and bloom in the late summer to the early fall season. When in bloom, ragweed flowers produce an overabundance of pollen that many people (and their pets) are highly allergic to. And, the pollen can blow around for miles and miles thanks to the wind.

The Symptoms of Ragweed Allergies in Humans

Ragweed pollen causes a variety of different allergy symptoms in humans, including:

  • a runny nose
  • itchy eyes
  • watery eyes
  • a swollen throat
  • a swollen mouth

In addition, severe ragweed allergies can cause you to have problems breathing or break out in hives.

It's important to note you should call 9-1-1 if you are experiencing trouble breathing, if you break out in hives, or have other dangerous allergy symptoms so you can get prompt medical care.

Treatment of an Allergic Reaction to Ragweed

The first line of defense against ragweed allergies is always going to be to remove any of these plants growing in your yard. While ragweed pollen can travel a very long way, this is a very common yard weed that you should remove if it's growing near your home. A single plant can send off billions of pollen grains and removing all of them near your home is the best place to start.

If you have removed any ragweed from your property and are still suffering from an allergic reaction to it, then your allergy doctor will prescribe a medication you can take to alleviate your symptoms. If they aren't sure ragweed is the source of the problem, then they can easily test you to determine if it is causing your allergy symptoms.

For More Information About Ragweed Allergies

If you would like more information about ragweed pollen allergies, then the best person to speak with is an allergist who practices in your local area. Allergists are doctors who specialize in testing for, and treating, allergic reactions to a wide variety of different irritants and agents that cause allergies in people.
